Sometimes things happened beyond your expectation.  Something like…… you were sure that, this cannot happen with you or someone you trusted more than yourself, leaving you in between. You feel down, demotivated, feel low power, have sleepless nights, feeling like crying all the time. I hope this must happen sometime in everyone’s life. In such situations, people often go into a depressed state and they need badly someone’s help, and love to bring them back to life. I was also feeling the same during May-June’22 and I also needed support, and love to bring me back to life. I never thought that this could happen to me, but as says, “Everything happens for some good reason”. I discussed this with one of my close friends and he advised me to start writing journals, However, I decided to start writing my thoughts as a part of blogs, but I don’t have the skills to be a good writer. To achieve this, I started reading lots of books and seeing their perspective on writing. I started portraying my thoughts in terms of words and start learning how to connect with readers. I know still, I have a long way to go, but I will keep trying to improve with every passing day. A new phase of my life has begun where I am trying to devote my hours to reading some meaningful books. Books related to motivation, love, relationships, emotions, self-awareness, and the subconscious. I have gone through many books in the last 3 months and a few outstanding authors who changed my philosophy of life.

I don’t want to keep the knowledge and awareness that I achieved from these books, rather I want to share and compile these books from my viewpoint. One of the books which I have read recently is “The Monk who sold his Ferrari”. “Robin Sharma”, is a renowned international author and more than 20 million copies sold worldwide. I am highly impressed with his writing skill and the way he enlightened life with his thoughts and art of living is truly exceptional. “The monk who sold his Ferrari” is a story about a famous rich lawyer who suffered with heart attack and then sold everything to move to the Himalayas to learn about life and peace from Indian Monks. He came back after a few months, full of energy, having a positive attitude about life, and looking much younger. He explained his learning to his friend that he learned from Monk Raman. He explains all the virtues and techniques to achieve it. Hence this book is about conversations between lawyer Julian Mantle and his friend John where Julian is explaining all virtues to John.

I want to share my learning from this book and request everyone to please read the series of “Virtue of life”. I have learned a lot and same wanted to practice it in my life.

One of the most essential aspects of life is whether we are slaves of our minds or we are masters of our minds. Our minds are controlling us or we are controlling our minds? You may feel both are the same, but many people can see the difference, and the moment you are able to master your mind, your life will change drastically. So the first virtue which I would like to talk about is Master your mind”.

Master your mind

Well, first let’s understand what mastering the mind is and what value we are going to achieve. I will not bring the example that Robin Sharma presented but I will only share my viewpoints to cultivate and nourish our minds, e.g. the ways gardeners cultivate the garden. Sowing seeds and eventually producing beautiful plants. Similarly, we need to keep nourishing our minds with the quality of our thoughts. We have to learn, how to deal with negative thoughts and how to remove them from our minds. Try to adopt empathy and kindness and love. We have to be on guard of our minds, what is going into it, we need to control it. That’s what mastery is all about, you are in full control of your mind.

Secondly, it is important that we enhance our potential minds and set up high levels of goals. In this contemporary world, where huge stress is there at all levels how to deal with it all depends on the potential of our minds. We have set our mindset accordingly and how we are utilizing our subconscious minds.

Finally, we also need to understand how we are taking mistakes. Normally, we should not consider a mistake as a mistake rather than take this as a life lesson, this way your mind keeps improving. Try to encourage yourself and appreciate tiny success. Adopt gratitude as part of your life. Gratitude towards everyone will give you eternal peace.

In nutshell, mastering your mind is the key to success. You can achieve anything just by controlling your mind in the right direction. You just need to adopt it for 3-4 weeks and later it will become a habit to see the positivity everywhere.

Guys, this is just the first part of “Virtues of life”, request everyone to please read all other sections of this series. You will get unbelievable results just by practicing it.